Einstellung des Geschäftsbetriebs
Einstellung des Geschäftsbetriebs
Einstellung des Geschäftsbetriebs
Customs Handling
Customs Handling
Import from non-EU countries
Goods imported from non-EU countries must be cleared with customs in order to be imported.
ATLAS Export
On 1st August 2006, a new electronic system for the export procedure prescribed by customs law was introduced as ...
Since the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) was introduced into the ATLAS IT procedure, we have had ...
The Customs Code, the Customs Code Ordinance of the EU and the Foreign Trade Ordinance of the Federal Republic of Germany ...
Fiscal Representation
The concept of the “fiscal representative” first appeared in German legislation for tax on
sales / purchases ...
Reimbursement and waiver of import duties
We can make applications for your duty to be reimbursed, for example if you are able to present a preferential certificate at a later date.